This study investigated the effect of advertising on consumer purchase decision using MTN as an\nexample. The specific objectives of the study were to: (i) Establish the relationship between\nadvert exposure and customers� patronage of MTN services; (ii) Find out whether exposure to\nMTN advert has any effects on consumer awareness of such products and services; (iii) Examine\nthe relationship between MTN�s advert exposure and consumers� preference for MTN services\ncompeting brands, among others. The study used survey research method with three hypotheses.\nBased on the nature of the hypotheses, the study used correlation and Analysis of Variance\n(ANOVA) test Statistics to test the hypotheses. The Results showed that (r = 0.425**) between\nadvert exposure and consumers� patronage of MTN products and services is significant and\npositive at the 0.05 level, the correlation (r = 0.373*) between advert exposure and consumers\npreference for MTN service is moderately significant and positive at the 0.05 level, among others.\nThe study recommends that advertising strategies be properly managed and maintained in\ngetting attention through colourful and captivating advertisements. It also recommends that\ncompanies should invest in the use of advertisements for quality services. Moreover, adverts\nshould be more customer-friendly; it should be simple for target audience to understand.